Monday, December 5, 2022

Not a Lot of Oomph

That was my day today. I just didn't seem to have the oomph to get motivated. I managed to take a shower and get dressed before 10:30 but then when I sat down here to write nothing happened. Well, I fooled around on FB and surfed my stash on Ravelry but didn't get any words down. I met some of my 8th grade classmates for lunch at Applebee's and was barely on time for lunch. I wasn't the latest but close.

Here are some more of the lights from last night. This little display was pads that changed color when you stepped on them. Even the grownups liked it. DS was disappointed that they didn't make music too but I guess you can't have everything.

Today's daily art page said to draw animals with color, to avoid using black, so I knew that I wouldn't draw a tiger or a zebra. I ended up drawing a teddy bear. It's an animal, a bear's an animal. And then I drew a green pig where you get green ham for the Dr. Seuss story.

From the book How To Draw People I picked out the next figures on the opposites pages. These are "straight" and "bent." They were fun to draw.

I knitted on the Limited Edition Wingspan while I watched TV tonight and decided to take a close-up picture of where the second triangle adjoins the first one. I like the way the colors are and if you look closely you can see how the rows angle off. It's an easy pattern and one that will look good in this gem toned yarn that is part wool and part silk. Feels good to knit and to wear.


I ended up writing just over 600 words today and I was happy and relieved to get that many. My brain felt fuzzy today. Maybe it'll be better tomorrow.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Thanks for the close up picture of your shawl. I like the colors too and anything silk has got to feel good on your neck.