Saturday, December 10, 2022

Snow, Fog, Sleet

That's today in a nutshell. When I woke up it was snowing, big flakes that melted on the pavement but kind of stuck to the grass. In the middle of the day it was just damp but by evening it was foggy and now it's sleeting and whatever is falling is making the grass pale so it might have some snow in it. All day long the temperature has been 34 degrees so it's just at that tipping point between freezing and not freezing. Yuk.

I went back to the salon and sold three, not two, copies of The Seaview. Woohoo! Then I went to the grocery for a few items, dropped a box of tosses off at Goodwill, and came home for lunch. I intended to go to Home Depot after lunch to get a new garbage disposal for the rental side but I got a text just as I was putting on my coat saying that the husband had removed a "plug" of matter from the disposal and now it's working just fine. Whew.


The next pages in Sketching were about packaging. The author suggested that instead of being put in boxes things should just be wrapped. So I drew a printer wrapped and labeled for shipping. Then he showed a dog wrapped for shipping but he said that you shouldn't ship a pet, you should instead give them money for the bus. !!! I had a vision of my grand-dog Porter with a pouch around her neck waiting at the bus stop for a ride home from the kennel. Not happening.


Then on the next page of Seuss-isms were these oddball Seussian trees with a little guy coming out of a trapdoor in the ground. I like the trees and will draw more of them. I will also draw the guy bigger so that I have an easier time making it look right.


And that's it for me today. I didn't write. I spent most of the afternoon going through my recipe files on the laptop looking for tasty things I can make when DD and her family are here visiting. I need to ask what they like to eat before I do a lot of supplies shopping. IMM is going to be 5 on Christmas and I suspect that he has very specific food preferences. I know that I can make Party Mix and English Toffee and I got the toffee chips to make Toffee Shortbread Cookies, but after that I need more info. Maybe chicken & rice casserole. Maybe cheeseburger casserole. Maybe fried rice.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I struggled mightily yesterday cutting down packing boxes to the right size to hold two bottles of wine to send to the grandkids. Then learned you can't mail wine!! Drat it. Should have checked before buying six bottles. I took a picture of the cleverly wrapped bottles and sent it to them. Reminded them that it's the thought that counts so we'll think of them as we drink it ourselves!!