Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Like Kryptonite

I listened to the weather report and we're supposed to get freezing rain tomorrow changing into 6-9" of snow by Thursday. Ugh. So I went to the grocery for supplies and made Party Mix this afternoon. There is a reason (aside from the expense) that I only make this once a year. I can't stay away from it and it's so bad for me--full of butter and nuts--all things that I shouldn't eat but I can't leave it alone. I didn't even wait for it to cool before I had the first little bowlful. It's now in big Tupperware containers but it isn't put very far away. It will be testing my willpower over the next couple weeks.

Sparrows visited the feeder this morning. We had another dreary day without a peek of sunshine and it doesn't look like it'll be sunny again anytime soon. I have hopes that the roads are dry and safe when I go down to Milwaukee next week to visit with Lala on Monday and pick up DD on Tuesday.

While the Party Mix was baking and needing to be stirred every 20 minutes, I drew. I swear I'm getting worse at drawing the birds out of Draw Like an Artist. Maybe I'm not taking my time, maybe I'm hurrying through the drawing, I don't know, I just know that I'm not getting better.

The next page in Seuss-isms was this picture of a creature getting to the bus stop only to discover a notice that said that all four of the bus tires were flat so he'd have to make the trip on his feet. He's not happy. There's supposed to be a vulture-ish bird perched on the Bus Stop sign but I ran out of bravery and I was smudging what I'd already drawn so I left it off. I'll draw it tomorrow.

I'm getting real close to being done with the third triangle of the Limited Edition Wingspan. See the little silver marker near the right end of the needle? That's how much farther I have to go on that one. Still liking the knitting, still loving the colors.

I didn't write today and I didn't find anything to toss. I did manage to take a shower and get dressed.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Thought about you when I saw the weather forecast yesterday. Hope it doesn't interfere with DD"s visit.