Sunday, December 4, 2022

See The Pretty Lights!

This afternoon just after dark I went with DS and his family and in-laws to the GB Botanical Garden to see their Garden of Lights Christmas display. We splurge and get wagon ride tickets so we don't have to walk all around the garden. Members, which we all are, also got tickets for a complimentary hot cider or hot chocolate which really hit the spot after an hour out in the cold. My favorite display was the fish, of course, but there were lots of other amazing and beautiful sights.

I managed to crank out 1433 words this afternoon. I wanted to get to 1667 like the daily quota for NaNoWriMo but I got that far and just kind of stuck so I called it a day. I'll take another run at it tomorrow.

The next page in Sketching showed a cityscape. I copied the tall buildings, added windows, clouds, some peepers, and a tiny airplane. It was an okay thing to draw.

Then I turned to the next page in Seuss-isms to find Sam-I-Am. I got to draw Sam-I-Am and green eggs and ham. So cool. I took my time and erased a lot but I got the picture the way I wanted it to be.

I filled the peanut wreath this morning once I got dressed and attracted a quartet of squirrels. I managed to snap this picture with two of them but they had loads of fun chasing each other away from the nuts. Well, I doubt that the chase-ee enjoyed it but the chaser sure looked like it was having fun.


Today would have been our 46th wedding anniversary. I thought about Durwood most of the day wishing he were here but he couldn't be here and be well so I told him how much I love him and got on with my day.

Today's toss was a bag of bags that I found hiding behind a shelf when I went downstairs for a ream of paper. I did fold a basket of clean laundry but there are no photos of that boring chore.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That visit to the botanical garden sounds wonderful. There's something like that down here in Naples but I've never gone. Too far to drive after dark. I know -- I'm a weenie. I'll just enjoy your pictures.