Friday, December 2, 2022

So What Do I Do With Two Extra Hours?

Since NaNoWriMo ended a couple days ago I've had this two hour gap in my day that I used to spend writing but now I don't know what to do with it. I managed to squeeze in all the drawing and knitting during November so I've been listening to audiobooks to fill the time but that can't go on indefinitely. Maybe I'll go back to writing. Or maybe I'll read what I wrote and figure out what else I can say. I'll keep you posted.

My fingers were cold all day and it took until late in the afternoon for me to realize that I could mix up a mug of hot chocolate and get a midday chocolate fix and warm up my hands at the same time. This Yellowstone National Park mug is the perfect size to catch hot water from the Keurig that then gets a few tablespoons of WW hot cocoa mix stirred into it. Yum.

Today's first drawing is from Seuss-isms and it isn't one of my best. I look at it and the proportions are all wrong (his arms and hands are too small) but the eyes are supposed to be like that. Not my best effort.

Then I opened Sketching to find the history of telephones. I especially like the candlestick phone and the old cellphone that was as heavy as a brick and about the same size.

This morning I went down to Zambaldi to visit with DS for an hour. He was just finishing up a batch of Good Dog Porter and putting the spent grains into barrels for the pig farmer that feeds them to his hogs.

I noticed that they had their Christmas Tree up in the corner of the taproom so I had to take its picture. I turned on the flash on my phone but it's a little dark. Pretty tree, though.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I finished the first (of eight) triangles of the Limited Edition Wingspan shawl. At the upper left you can see the tiny offset beginning of triangle number two. For skinny yarn and little needles it's going pretty fast. I've been trying to add a couple rows every night and that seems to help. Yeah, it's taken this long to acknowledge that you have to knit on a project for it to progress.

Didn't see any birds or squirrels doing anything interesting on this overcast but warmish (45 degree) day. I did stop for $2.99/gallon gas on my way home from the brewery, that was a good thing.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I remember those candlestick phones. My childhood girlfriend had one in her house. Long, long, very long time ago. Hope you get back to writing soon.