Friday, December 9, 2022

All Art

I had a haircut today and that totally threw a wrench in my works. Or maybe it was the return of the heavy overcast and threat of freezing drizzle/rain/snow that hung over us all day. We didn't get a flake or a drop, they got it in the southern part of the state, but it still felt like we were under some sort of storm watch. I didn't see a bird or a squirrel all morning, not even when I was doing yoga which is usually when something interesting shows up.

Today's daily art said to use a variety of materials to make circles. I used wax pastels, watercolor, brush pens, soft pastels, and colored pencils. All of them worked well except the brush pens. I made a black spiral and then tried to wash over it with yellow watercolor. The black pen ran into the yellow paint and made a muddy mess. Yuk. Not what I had in mind at all.

The next bird in Draw Like an Artist was a Thrush. It's an okay bird with hideous feet. I swear that I'm going to draw nothing but bird feet until I get them right. I don't know why I have so much trouble with them but no self-respecting bird would be able to walk around on the misshapen appendages that I give them. Sorry, birdies, I'm trying my best.

On the title page of Seuss-isms I found this picture of the Cat in the Hat so I copied it. He's such an iconic figure in so many kids' lives. I was a preteen when the Dr. Seuss books came out but I still remember reading them to my little brothers and he's still popular with my grandchildren. Well, they're a bit old for him now but his books are still in the bookcases at their house.

In the fiber art world I finished the second (of eight) triangles of the Limited Edition Wingspan tonight at Friday Night Knitting. You can see the small beginning of triangle number three in the upper right of this photo. At this rate it will take me eight weeks to knit this shawl since I seem to be doing one triangle a week. Not bad for how slowly I knit.

I could have sold two copies of The Seaview  at the salon this afternoon so I'm going back tomorrow to do just that. I should have had copies in my car but I had taken them out because they were slumped awkwardly in the box in my wayback and I didn't want them to be wonky. CP suggested tonight that I put a bookend in the box. *head, slap* Why didn't I think of that? I have one right here and I'm going to go put it in the box right now.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Glad to read that your books are selling. I'm reading a self-published book right now and it isn't half as good as yours.