Monday, October 25, 2021


We definitely had frost last night.  The bedraggled coleus looks positively dead today but the geraniums in back are still alive...

and the Stella d'Oro lilies are still blooming.  I called the landscaper today and he'll be over later this week to do the winter cleanup of the plants on top of the retaining wall so this week is the last of the flowers.  I'm going to make sure he leaves the mums in front so that the yard isn't totally denuded.

A Downy Woodpecker made good use of all of the suet feeders.  I got the best shot of it on the suet cakes.  I was hoping that it was a male so it would have the red swoop across the back of its head, but it's either a female or this year's hatch.

I was lucky enough to catch a Chickadee on one of its lightning stops at the feeder.  They're so quick the only way I got this shot was that I was taking the woodpecker picture and just had to move the camera lens a couple inches and snap it.

Trees was the drawing lesson today.  I think I made the trunk too long to balance the top of the tree but I'm happy with the way it looks.  I'll draw another one tomorrow and maybe get the proportions better.

Today's toss was a ceramic pot with a lid that I made at Mom's ceramics class in 1967.

The prompt today asked how risk averse you are.  I said that I'm very risk averse.  I used to be adventurous and impulsive but now I'm not.  COVID cured me of that.  Dammit.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Glad you got that shot of the chickadee. They are the cutest little birds -- second only to a wren. Yes, Covid did a number on all of us in so many ways.