Thursday, February 17, 2022

Well, That Was Fast

Yesterday it was 45 degrees. Today it didn't make it to 20 degrees. The weather puzzles me but then I guess it puzzles everyone.

A pretty big flock of Mourning Doves landed under the tube feeder this morning. Yesterday's warm temps melted the snow and exposed a lot of fallen seed so they had a lot to keep them busy. The melt also exposed lots of rabbit raisins but you can't have everything.

I had that last two-page spread in my sketchbook to fill and today I had an idea. I painted the pages roughly with red paint, let it dry, and then cut pieces from the painted pages to collage on top of the red paint. I'm glad to have the book finished and proud of some of the pages.

Today's drawing is what the 15-Minute Artist calls a Value Layer Cake. If you look at it the layers go from light to dark, changing value with each layer. I would have rather spent the afternoon eating cake but this is the only cake I have. It's probably a good thing.

Today was the day for calling The Clearing to register for next season's classes. It starts at 8AM and you dial and dial until you get through so that you get a place in your chosen class. It was especially important to get in early because the class size for the Women's Writing Retreat is smaller this year. I got in by 8:30 and only had to redial 288 times. Thank god for speed dial. Getting registered was the first item on my gratitude list today.

Sunset tonight was one of those that turns the very air pink. I looked up from drawing my gratitude journal page to see that the whole world had turned pink so I grabbed my camera and peeked out the front door to see the sky alight.

Today's toss was a ladybug scrub brush. Did I buy one of every shape brush they had? I must have. But why?

I happened to be looking out the front window when my neighbors came home with their brand new baby. I didn't get to see little Elizabeth but got to congratulate the happy and already tired parents. It's nice to know everything went okay and now I have a new, tiny tenant. I'll get to see her eventually. I have presents for her.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Beautiful sunset indeed. Like looking at the world through rose colored glasses. Looks like the mourning doves could have a real feast with all the fallen seeds. Persistence definitely pays off when it comes to The Clearing registration. Glad you hung in there and yes, "thank you" speed dial.