Monday, February 21, 2022

Grateful For Cookies

That's right, cookies. I haven't made cookies in months, maybe a year, but DD is coming tomorrow so I made 10-Cup Cookies in her honor. I only had to buy one ingredient to make the cookies, I even had flaked coconut and pecans. The directions say to let the cookies cool on the sheet for 5 minutes before transferring them to a cooling rack. I didn't do that with the first sheet and broke two. Darn. I had to eat them. Double darn. I've already got a couple dozen bagged up to take to DS and family so that cuts down on some temptation and I bagged another dozen into the freezer for any cookie emergencies down the road. (click on the link for the cookie recipe Oh, and I substitute almond butter for the peanut butter because LC isn't a fan of peanut butter.)

It was another windy day so there weren't many birds at the feeders. I'd have said "any" birds but one lone Junco showed up in the afternoon to peck at the refrozen ground for fallen seeds.

I say refrozen because it got up to 48 degrees yesterday and was sunny. Today the temps topped out at 18 degrees so when I slightly overfilled the birdbath this afternoon I made icicles. I think it's snowing a little too but it's so windy that it's hard to tell if it's snowing or just blowing. What I want to know is why it couldn't have been 48 and sunny tomorrow for DS's drive north from Kentucky. Stupid weather.

The drawings today were from the Draw Squad book and include a fun dragon named Trasher. I was glad that only his head and neck were required. Maybe one of these days I'll make an attempt to draw the whole dragon.

Five was all I could think of for gratitude journal items today. And two of them are about cookies. I didn't guess either Wordle word today which made me feel sorry for myself but I did solve the one-star Sodoku in the newspaper. Since I only get the digital edition I have to print it off on the computer but that's okay. I won't bother to print off anything over two stars because I can only rarely solve those.

Today's toss was a bag of dried apricots that had turned black. I'm pretty sure that black is the wrong color for dried apricots.

I have to exercise restraint because there are dozens of cookies in the kitchen calling out to me. I ate a navel orange so I'm not hungry I just want a cookie or a cookie wants me. Either way I shouldn't go get one. Maybe an apple...


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Your cookies look so much more delicious that the ones I baked yesterday. Mine are just plain old peanut butter. Funny we both baked cookies on the same day -- and, like you, I haven't done that in a long time! Once again - sisters under the skin. Can't wait to hear about DD's visit. So very glad she's coming.