Saturday, February 12, 2022

Pajama Day

Today was a pajama day. There are no pictures (you're welcome) but I assure you that I am still in the attire I got out of bed in. I did all the usual stuff that I do every day I just didn't get dressed in street clothes. No real reason, I just didn't feel like getting dressed.

There were a couple Sparrows pecking around under the tube feeder this morning. It was sunny today but they were in the shadow of the house. There was another Sparrow on the feeder that flung seeds down for these two.

A squirrel spent some quality time nibbling away at the suet pellets and this time faced the house instead of turning its back to me. I thought about going out to fill the feeders but didn't want to go out in the cold in my jammies. I'll fill them tomorrow.

Last night I complained to the knitters that I was having trouble thinking of things to paint in my sketchbook and they suggested that I paint knitting. Well, I wanted to keep to the themes and colors that I've used so I drew circles that I dripped paint in wet so that it spread and blended and then drew lines on them so that it looks like balls of yarn. Then I drew a bird flying away with yarn in its beak. I felt like I kept to the themes of the book and still made something new. Only two more two-page spreads to figure out.

I was excited when I saw the next figure to draw in the 3-D book's G lesson. A giraffe! I love giraffes. They are my favorite animal so I was happy to spend the time coloring in all of the patches on its hide. I think its tongue looks wrong but I can erase it and fix it tomorrow. Or later, if it continues to bug me.

Even with the limited activities I did today I managed to find enough things to be grateful for to fill a journal page.

Today's toss was a scrub brush shaped like a pig. Again, why did I buy it and what did I think I was going to do with it? No idea. Someone will like it, I'm sure.

I knitted some on the sock tonight while watching TV but didn't make enough progress to warrant a picture. I kept thinking that today was Sunday but the newspaper assures me that it's really Saturday. I know this because today's newspaper was skinny and the Sunday paper is fat. I got a letter from the publisher yesterday saying that starting March 12 there won't be a Saturday paper printed anymore. There'll still be a digital edition but no paper copy. I think that's a bad sign.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Your giraffe looks very happy with that wagging tail. Once again the birds in the shadow look arty to me. Good for you for celebrating a jammie day. We all deserve one of those every now and then.