Sunday, February 27, 2022

Got The Blahs

Just didn't have any oomph today. I should have done laundry because I'm down to one pair of socks but I just couldn't work up the energy to get myself down to do the wash. I ran the dishwasher. Does that count? I even emptied it too.

For the first time ever I saw two squirrels up on the crooks almost side by side. Usually one will chase the other away but this time one stayed up there munching away on a peanut while the other hung upside down on the peanut wreath. Amazing detente.

It was a sunny day but I don't think it was warmish outside. The Sparrows visited the tube feeder and merrily threw seed down onto the ground for the twilight rabbits to munch on. (Every time I type "sunny day" the Sesame Street theme song starts to play in my head.)

I drew the next lesson in the Draw Squad book. There's one more lesson in the book and then I'll be done with it--again. Maybe I'll put it away for a while and draw out of other books. Or maybe I'll get out the watercolors again and try my hand at the next exercise.

In the afternoon I rewatched episodes of Downton Abbey and finished knitting the cast sock. Tomorrow I have to find something new to knit or maybe just start another cast sock.

Today's toss was a couple pairs of toddler leggings that I had on hand for accidents.

I promise to do laundry tomorrow. All the laundry which will probably take all day. Monday is traditionally wash day.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Blah day here yesterday too. Problems with some of the outlets on one side of the house so an electrician was here for hours but couldn't find the problem Damnit all!! He's coming back today. I hate having someone in the house -- especially when they can't fix whatever is broken. To be continued.....