Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday Funday

It was a gray overcast day and the temperature topped out at 32 degrees. I had some trouble gathering up the gumption for doing anything much. I didn't see any birds at the feeders and only a few squirrels tag teamed the peanuts and made them all go away.

I pulled out a small sketchbook and copied out a couple yoga poses so that I can add them to my gratitude pages when the spirit moves me and then I sketched a Downy Woodpecker so that the next time one shows up I'll be brave enough to draw one of them.

Today's gratitude journal page turned out a little sparse but I'm happy with it. Doing this every day for five days has already had an affect on me. A positive one.

I had a little trouble coming up with watercolor pages today. I finally broke down and traced off the frog that the watercolor teacher had in the additional resources. I wasn't sure that I wanted to put the frog in my sketchbook but today it seemed like the day to do it. I used the same colors that are in the tumbling blocks and the fish I painted the other day. Linking pages, see?

Speaking of linking pages, I stared at the next blank pages wondering what to do so I paged through and decided to draw big triangles across the pages and use some of the same colors I used for the frogs and blocks and fish. I think it kind of looks like a string of pennants flapping in the wind.

This morning I tackled the knitting chart on the hat pattern I'm knitting. And I only had to watch one YouTube video to figure out how to purl through the back loop. It's hard to see but there are triangles of stockinette growing upwards from the ribbing.

I didn't toss anything today. I spent all of the day staring at sketchbooks and paint palettes while listening to The Boys, the memoir by Ron Howard and his brother Clint. I recommend it.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Even your lazy days are fun to read about and to see. Your sketchbook is filling up with so many colorful and neat pages. The frogs are really cute.