Thursday, February 10, 2022


I went to knit with friends tonight and the promised snow started falling as I left my friend's house on the east side. By the time I'd gone a mile I realized that the roads were really slick so I changed my route home to stay off the bridges and highway since I figured the surface streets would be a little slower. I was right but I was glad to get into my nice garage. We're supposed to get between 1 and 3 inches of snow overnight. Guess who'll be shoveling snow tomorrow?

On my way to the grocery this morning I stopped at Michaels for a couple tubes of paint and some glue sticks. I walked past the book rack and look at what I found. A new drawing book! I was looking for something not a rocket ship to draw and found it. 




The first figure in the book is a chocolate kiss. Not as easy to shade as you might expect but I think I did okay.

Instead of using watercolor paints I used watercolor pencils to draw a fish scene in my sketchbook this afternoon. The cool thing about the watercolor pencils is that you draw and color your picture then you put water in this tube with a brush tip on it and smoosh it over your pencil drawing and it turns to watercolors and blends like paint. I like it.

These House Finches were the only birds that I saw at the feeders today but I wasn't really
keeping an eye out.

I had to stretch to find six or seven things to be grateful for today that I haven't used every day for the last few days. Not that I can't be grateful for the same things but I like to change it up.


Tonight I knitted on the Zauber sock finishing the cuff and moving on to the leg of the sock. The yarn is so dark that it's hard to see at night. I got off by one stitch on a round tonight and didn't realize it until I was far past the booboo. Good thing the cuff will be in my pants leg because I am not going to rip back or drop down the stitches to fix the mistakes. It's a sock for me and I can ignore it. Or I'll look at it every time I go to put it on, shake my head, and then put it on anyway.

Today's toss was a small handful of kitchen gadgets that I dug out of that drawer in the kitchen. You know the one, it has all of the random crap in it that has nowhere else to go.



Aunt B said...

My gratitude journal for today would include your gratitude journal. You're so good about finding different things to be grateful for. Plus I'm glad you and Nancy are still keeping in touch. So there are two items for me for today. I'm sure four more could come to mind. I'll see how the day goes.

Kathy Swanson said...

I am in awe of that drawing in your gratitude journal of your knitting friends. It is so cool! VERY creative my friend!!!! I haven't been getting my daily drop of your blog into my email again, but I found it through Facebook and saw this. I am so glad I did. Hope you are well.