Tuesday, February 8, 2022

A Basement Find

It's a good thing that I'm taking tossing slowly or I wouldn't have found the five watercolor how-to books that I dug up in the basement this morning. I knew that I had a book or two, I wasn't expecting five. Now I have something to graduate to once I finish the last five two-page spreads in my sketchbook.

I jumped into one of the books, the simplest looking one, and practiced a variegated wash and some elementary shapes with washes. Not my finest hour. I'll do them again with less water and more control.

I also dug out the oil pastels and drew a little flower and bird just to play with them. I don't know what I'll do with them, if anything, because they smear if you don't fix them and I don't know how to do that. I suppose that there's something at Michaels for that.

It was a bird day! Both the male and female Cardinals came to the platform feeder one after the other. I also saw a Chickadee, a Nuthatch, and a Downy Woodpecker but didn't get pictures of those.



But I did draw them all on my gratitude journal page for today.

In the 3-D book I drew the last of the F figures. It's a furry foot that's getting ready to stomp on a little guy who's running away. Not bad.

I made supper tonight instead of microzapping something premade. WW Pad Thai. I found the recipe last week and had most of the ingredients on hand, just had to buy matchstick carrots, a red bell pepper, and a can of bean sprouts. It's a good thing that the sprouts taste good because I think they smell kind of yukky when you open the can. I rinsed them really well and they were fine. I was nervous about overcooking the rice noodles and think that I undercooked them but they tasted okay and I have four more servings to eat the next four nights. Plus my house smells like vinegar and fish sauce. I'm not sure I like it.

Last night I unearthed some more sock yarn and cast on another sock so I have something to knit later this week when I knit with friends. I decided to go down a needle size so it feels like I'm knitting with toothpicks but the last couple socks I knitted turned out a little roomy so I'm trying to fix that. Time will tell. Watch, this'll turn out too tight.

I didn't toss anything today because I was sitting paging through all those watercolor books.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Yesterday was somewhat of a bird day for me too. A teeny tiny little finch got into the lanai but couldn't get out! It was frantically flying around all over out there so I propped open the door and tried to shoo him out. But that made him even more frightened. Finally just gave up and came in and Paul saw him zoom out to freedom as soon as I left him alone. That would be the headline in my gratitude journal. I do love yours.