Tuesday, February 22, 2022

She's Here!

Even though the roads were a little icy and a little slick with snow and freezing drizzle DD made it. She arrived around 3 o'clock and we've been talking and knitting since then.

We mostly got snow here in GB. You can see the bunny tracks in the scant inch of snow that accumulated through the day. For a while we got sleet but that didn't last long, thank goodness.

I have to confess that the slow cooker Chicken & Noodles I made was not a success. The chicken turned out all right and the veggies and soup/sauce wasn't bad, but the noodles were doughy and slimy and inedible. I fished out the chicken and tossed the rest. I'll pick up another bag of frozen veggies tomorrow to serve with it.

While I waited for DD to arrive I drew today's pictures. The next one in the 3-D book was the scroll with the A on it, which didn't seem like enough of a challenge or enough of a drawing, so I drew the gorilla which I think turned out pretty well.

DD and I knitted and chatted and I got to the toe of my sock so I started the toe decreases. I suppose if I'd really focused I could have finished it but then what would I have knit on tomorrow?

I only thought of five things to be grateful for today so I drew the pictures bigger and made the text larger too. That filled up the page nicely.

Today's toss was a capelet that Mom knitted just before she died. I've worn it a few times but it just didn't fit right, too narrow in the shoulders, so into the Goodwill box it went. Sorry, Mom.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Happy to read your headline this morning. At last she's there! Safe and sound. All's right with the world. Give her a big hug and kiss from Aunt B. Wish I could be there to talk and talk and talk with you girls. Love you.