Saturday, February 5, 2022

Fish, Birds, and a Squirrel

No, no fish came to the birdfeeders. I painted a page of fish today, just dark blue fish silhouettes across the page. I don't know if I'll add anything else, I kind of like the empty space.

I also glued in a bird and sponge-painted another bird on the following pages, the linking element being "blue." I cut the bird stencil and couldn't decide how I'd fill it in but decided to use the dark blue of the fish to sponge the space, then I added a branch and some leaves. Again I like the sparse nature of these pages.

In the world of real birds, a Chickadee visited the filled platform feeder. When I went out to fill it I found that there were mostly seed hulls in there which explains the dearth of birds the last few days.

A quartet of Sparrows landed on the tube feeder almost simultaneously. I was surprised that their combined weight didn't close the feeding holes a little but it didn't. They didn't stay long. Sparrows are too scrappy to sit together like that for very long.

I filled the peanut wreath too and caught one of the squirrels sitting on the crook eating the peanut it just got out. Most of the time they either eat on the ground, on the birdbath, or carry the peanut away but this guy (or gal) couldn't wait and dug right in.

I opened the 3-D drawing book today and drew the next figure. It's some kind of jet with faucets where the engines should be. Weird but I guess a kid would like it. It wasn't hard to draw.

As the next Illustrated Journal video said, I kept a list of everything I ate today and after supper I made a page of it. My page isn't as comic book-y as hers was but I like it. I'll work on upping my game.

Then there's the gratitude journal page. Only four days into the practice I find that I'm looking at my days in a different way, watching for small things that I can be grateful for. 

Today I took the tosses to Goodwill after I shoveled the inch of yesterday's snow off the driveway. After all the painting and drawing was put away I watched TV for an hour and knitted a couple rounds on the Andean Sun Hat but not enough to take a picture of.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I guess having only an inch of snow to shovel makes the grade in your gratitude journal. Love the shot of the flock of birds on the feeder.