Monday, February 1, 2021

More Light

 I happened to glance at the clock at 4:45pm and noticed that there was quite a bit more light than there was at the same time last week.  I checked the height of the sun over T&M's house and saw that it was much higher today.  Yay!  More light!

The Downy Woodpecker pair took turns at the feeder this morning.  I captured the female in this picture but was in the midst of doing yoga when the male showed up so I didn't get his picture.  There was a lot of bird activity this morning.  The House Finches came and went a few times, a Chickadee flitted in and out, Mourning Doves and Juncos checked out the fallen seed, and even an English Sparrow made an appearance.

I had a recheck at the doc's this afternoon.  Since the prednisone he gave me 2 weeks ago worked to make my shoulder stop hurting I didn't need a cortisone shot, which he wasn't enthusiastic about giving me, and instead gave me an anti-inflammatory pill I can take as needed.  I went to the drive-thru at the pharmacy for those, stopped at Goodwill to drop off the latest tosses, and went to ALDI for red grapes and the wheat crackers I like with my soup lunches.  So I got out a little this afternoon and it felt great.  I can't wait to get the vaccine.  Nine more days until dose 1.

Sock knitting continues.  I made the decision not to continue the pattern down the top of the foot so that I could just knit around and around without needing to follow the pattern.  The foot part will be in my shoe anyway so it doesn't really need the pattern.  I need to knit about an inch and a half before time to start the toe decreases.  This sock is going fast, much faster than the last sock I knitted.  Seems to be true that if you focus on one project at a time it gets done quicker.  Imagine that.

01 February, Barbara Malcolm, The Seaview. 

The moon had nearly set by the time we had gone back into the sea to rinse off the sand and we walked back up to where we had left our clothes.  Iggy used his shirt to dry me off and helped me back into my shirt and shorts.  He walked me back to Sydans and we kissed at the arched entrance. 

“See you tomorrow,” I whispered.  His strong hands stroked down my back and cupped my bottom.  “They’ll be leaving next Saturday, I promise.” 

As he walked back toward his car he softly said, “They had better leave soon or I will figure out a way to get ‘Nando to deport them.” 

Chapter 41

Marie said good morning with a sly smile.  I ignored it and got everyone ready to get moving as soon as Mr. Gomez arrived with his trusty clipboard in hand to resume clearing things.  Edward was sitting on his heels against the shady side of the container waiting for him. 

“You should consider going to work for the Customs office if you like it so much,” I told him. 

He shook his head.  “It not the Customs work I likes so much Mrs. Rose, it the putting things in order that I likes.  Mr. Gomez he likes things in order.  I does too.” 

Elizabeth had taken my car and gone in search of muffin ingredients at the local markets.  I suspected that we would be treated to all sorts of muffins all day long for the rest of her stay. 

Marie corralled Luke and Stanley again and they set to work making the front of the Seaview look as if it was up and running.  She made a pitcher of iced tea in my studio and bought a packet of cookies at Vista Market on top of the hill.  “I hope you don’t plan to eat those,” I said, watching her wipe what looked like a year’s dust off the cellophane. 

“Oh, no,” she shook her head decisively, “these are props and these are Elizabeth’s failed muffins.  I didn’t waste any sugar in the tea either.  It’s a prop too.”  She waved her hand at a laundry basket on the floor next to her table.  “I borrowed some dishes and things from our room so that I can stage some photos.  I hope you don’t mind.” 

I peered with interest to see what she had commandeered; there were a couple of pillows, some coasters, what looked like a pareo or two, coffee mugs and glasses.  “I bought glasses and mugs,” I said, “they’re in the new container.” 

She turned to level a look at me, her hand on her hip.  “And where exactly in there are they?” 

I shrugged.  “How do I know?” 

“That is why I borrowed these things.  I need to take the pictures and get your website populated and running.  Mother, if you’re hoping for guests in a month or less, we have to get this going now.”  She nearly shouted that last word. 

I raised my hands to fend her off.  “Okay, okay.  But if the box with the glassware is near the door you will consent to using my official things, right?” 

She gave me one of those “motherrrr” looks and went off to make sure Luke and Stanley were putting up the shutters the way she wanted them to. 

I shook my head thinking that poor Luke and Stanley wouldn’t know what hit them. 

Today's toss was three more dresses.  I'm not wearing them, they're too big, why am I keeping them.  I'm determined not to fit into them again.

The writing prompt today was about your worst dream.  Cheerful, eh?  I don't have many bad dreams but often dream of Durwood calling my name and, when I wake up to answer, he isn't here and I'm sad.  Also frustrated.  I want him to keep talking to me in my sleep without calling out to me so that I can talk to him longer.  Maybe if I write it here he'll get the message.

Tomorrow's Groundhog Day.  I never remember if it's better that he sees his shadow or not.  Like some rodent has any effect on the length of the winter.  I think someone dreamed it up to have something to make a fuss about in the middle of winter and had a pet groundhog.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

You're probably right about the groundhog legend. Whatever the reason, we're having a bit of what we call winter down here. Very chilly this morning. But sunshine later so no complaints.