Monday, February 22, 2021


 I don't have a picture but after I cleared last night's three inches of snow off the driveway, I went out back and filled the bird feeders, including the peanut wreath.  It took awhile, but one squirrel discovered that there were peanuts and had a field day.  It was so eager to eat them that it first brought the nuts to the patio step then it perched on top of the crook and just gobbled them there.  

The recipe today was Hoisin-glazed Chicken.  It smells good when it's cooking but then you finish the sauce with toasted sesame oil and it really smells great.  I had to go out to snowblow the plow drift after I portioned out the chicken to discover that the Amazon package had come.  Hooray!  But not in time for me to use the containers for the recipe today.  Boo.  Tomorrow is the last recipe in this bout of Investment Cooking so I'll use new containers then.

It was so nice outside, sunny and 34 degrees, that I dug out my snowshoes and took a spin around the yard a couple times.  I'm hoping to do it again tomorrow.  If it doesn't rain.  Can you believe that we might get rain?  In February?  Sheesh.

I knitted some more on the sock foot this afternoon.  I realized that I can't knit on it and watch TV.  I keep watching the screen and not knitting.  Listening to an audiobook is better for knitting.  For me and my current attention problems anyway.

Today's toss was a handful of old bag clips that were taking up room in a drawer.  They weren't the spring clothespin type, they folded over and clamped and tended to come undone if the bag was folded too thick.  Gone.

The prompt today asked you to write a real estate ad for your current house.  I did it,  all the while grousing that it wasn't exactly a creative prompt.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

We live in two different worlds. To see you say 34 degrees is nice shows you're a true Northerner. It's supposed to be in the 80's this weekend down here. I could definitely write an ad for my house. It would be very long and flowery because I'd mention every little thing in here and call it "cute."