That's where I ran out of steam last night at about 8:00, ceded defeat, and went to bed. My friend, Lala, drove up from Milwaukee to spend the night but by the time she got here I was a wreck so we didn't drive to Two Rivers for the kite festival either. We got Mexican takeout but I only ate two bites before I stopped and she packed up, turned around, and went back home. I feel bad that I didn't think to waylay her before she drove up but I guess I hoped that a miracle would occur and I'd feel better, not worse. Sorry, Lala, I'll make it up to you somehow.
When I got home from brunch yesterday I had a message on my phone from my knitting friend, HH, telling me to look outside my patio door. She'd bought me a birthday bouquet at the farmer's market and left it for me with a few ripe plums. Very nice!
I bought myself a birthday present. These are Palomino Blackwing pencils and a sharpener. I've read about them, read that they're the Cadillac or maybe even the Rolls Royce of pencils so I ordered a dozen from Amazon. They write dark and smooth, I think I'll like them.
DD sent me an abacus for a present! I've wanted one for years and she sent me one. Now I just have to learn how to use it. Thanks, DD, I love it.
Last night I thought about making chicken soup today but didn't have the energy to go fetch the ingredients at the grocery but this morning I realized that I had homemade broth, chopped up chicken, a bag of frozen mixed veggies, and some fresh spinach. In short, everything needed to make a cauldron of soup. There was only half the meat needed so I thawed, browned, and cut up a package of gizzards that's been hanging around for a while. Yum.
September 2--William Stanley Haseltine, Natural Arch at Capri. The arch made a window out to sea. The confines of it focused the eye and gave the illusion that what you saw was magnified. Gabriel stood looking out beyond the island, beyond the horizon. The wind pushed at his back, the gusts threatening to send him stumbling toward the edge. Gulls wheeled and cried, diving down to squabble over something washed up on the rocky beach far below.
It isn't fair for a person to be so sick on her birthday. Not fair. Not fair. Not fair. I confess that I did kind of expect a cold to arrive shortly after Durwood died because I've been so focused on not getting one for the last few years so I didn't pass it on to him but now the deck is cleared. Either that or my germy grandchildren shared. I know I shouldn't smooch on them but I confess that I just can't resist. I'll feel better soon. I've been drinking the traditional Malcolm cold and sore throat remedy (half OJ, half Sprite) since yesterday so I'm bound to get better fast, right? Durwood always said I would.
1 comment:
Here's Aunt B's Rx for your cold: (Copied from the Ft. Myers News Gazette) THE HOT TODDY: A cure in a cocktail: 2 ounces whiskey, 1/2 cup boiling water, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 cinnamon stick, 4 cloves, 1 slice lemon. Add whiskey to the boiling water in a large mug. Stir in the sugar and squeeze lemon into the mug and drop the cloves in. Add the cinnamon stick and top with a clove.
Then pile up on the sofa with a good book or take a nice nap.
Works for me every time!
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