Tuesday, January 2, 2024


I'm having trouble warming up. I went out to Writer's Guild this evening and got chilled on the way home and I can't warm up. I don't think that it's gotten up to 32 degrees in the last few days. The weak winter sun has melted off most of the snow on the driveway but it's sticking around on the grass. Maybe if I throw on a wool shawl I'll get warmer... oh, it's helping. Hooray!

I looked out and saw this Cardinal on the platform feeder this morning. He wasn't willing to share the space with the House finch. Then he went down onto the ground under the tube feeder but he didn't stay long.

Almost as soon as the Cardinal flew away, a male Downy Woodpecker flew in and landed on the suet cakes. He wasn't in a sharing mood either. He drove off the Sparrows that wanted to share the space.

I only drew this leaf today. It was the beginning of Lesson 4. I was supposed to draw other leaves that were in the picture but I just wasn't in the mood. I think it looks like a spinach leaf.

I made a few trips down and up the basement stairs today. I can't tell if it's helping my legs and my breathing or not but I'm not quitting.

I had a nice long chat about writing and a few other things with cda this afternoon. It really helps me get my thoughts about aspects of my novels in order to hash them out with her.

In other writing news I got an email from the woman leading the Novel Critique online group I signed up for. She had a lot of questions that I answered and I attached 200 pages of the manuscript I'm workshopping to my reply. When I got home from Writer's Guild I had a reply that she'd read it and liked it. !!! She's a fast reader and I'm glad she liked it.

Tomorrow LC will be 10 years old. Where has the time gone? Just last week she learned to walk and toddled across the kitchen to me. Okay, that was a FB memory from 9 years ago but really time is flying.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Double digits for LC!! I think that's a milestone for kids her age. Time does fly. Sunrise -- Sunset...... Happy Birthday to the growing-up-too-fast girl!