Thursday, January 25, 2024

All the Wildlife Flew Away

There was a flock of Sparrows under and on the tube feeder when I opened the drapes over the patio door but they all flew away and never came back.

I lost patience waiting for Lesson 17 to dry so I cued up Day 1 of the Mark Making class on Creativebug that I've been anxious to start and was underwhelmed by the day's assignment. First she had us fill a page with straight lines, then fill a page with Xs. I used a fat black watercolor pencil so that my lines were chubbier than they would have been using a regular colored pencil so I could fill up the page faster. Next time I'll use a different fat colored pencil. Ooh, creative.

Lesson 17 took a longer time because you wet the big circles, waited for them to dry, drew and wet the smaller circles in the centers, waited for them to dry, then embellished them with dots and dashes and other marks on the "flowers." (The drying time is when I did the Mark Making.)

I knitted on the Sockeye Salmon Hermione sock tonight. I don't think that it looks like the pattern picture. Maybe my yarn's too variegated or something. Anyway I'll keep going.

I heard from the nurse in the GI department today. They found something with the capsule endoscopy! Seems capillaries in my stomach are seeping blood. I don't know why they didn't find that when they did the endoscopy two weeks ago but I'm glad he found it now. Maybe it's an intermittent thing? Next week Friday I go in for another endoscopy when they'll cauterize the leakers and hopefully solve the problem. I asked if I should be eating or not eating something but haven't heard. I'm sure they'll call again with more information, maybe tomorrow.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Hmmmm!! Where's that blood seeping out going? Seems like it would have shown up somewhere even without the endoscopy. At least you know what happened and the doctor can fix it. That's good news.