Friday, January 19, 2024

An Evening Visitor

I haven't been seeing bunnies but I've seen evidence of their visits. Tonight, however, I saw one. It was eating fallen birdseed and cautiously hopping around looking up at the patio door every once in a while. I had to turn off the flash so that I could take the picture so it's a little blurry but I was happy to see different wildlife.

The sun and wind are still carving away at the snow on top of the platform feeder. I keep expecting it to topple over one of these days but so far it's pretty resilient.

I had to find something to knit tonight and I showed you the cashmere yarn I balled up yesterday. This afternoon I cast on the Cashmere Sophie scarf and got it started so that I wouldn't have to start it while trying to talk. I thought I'd get through the first tiny ball of yarn (approx. 45 yds.) but I only got about halfway through. This promises to be a long project.

I was supposed to make today's Lesson 12 on brown craft paper or on brown grocery bags but I don't have any of that stuff so I dug out some tan tag board and colored on that. The colored pencils didn't show up as well as I hoped but, trust me, there's color on here. This is a peacock feather and there are lots of green lines making up the body of the feather. I wish it was darker. Maybe I'll draw it again on white paper.

To make me happier I did these Zentangles. I like 'em.

Around 4 o'clock I looked out and saw that the birdbath heater was almost fully exposed so I went out with my water jug and topped it off. Hopefully it will stay put for a day so I don't have to go out in the cold and snow again.

I went and got a haircut today. My hairdresser exclaimed how much better I look than the last time she saw me. Now I have color in my face and I don't look half dead. I had an afternoon writing zoom and an evening knitting zoom. I'm kinda zoomed out. I have to spend the weekend critiquing submissions for my Novel Writing group next Wednesday on zoom. What did we ever do before Zoom?


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Zooming is certainly welcome in snowy climes like yours. So nice you can keep up with friends and actually see them and not have to leave the comfort of your home.