Monday, December 11, 2023

One Wildlife

But a furry one not a feathered one. This squirrel came back for a drink at least six times today. It seemed like every time I looked out it was either coming or going. It obviously doesn't speak bird or it'd pass the word that the feeders are filled.

I spent most of the day rereading The Seaview 2 again (I'm not done). I've signed up for an online Novel Writing Critique Group that starts in January and I want to have my manuscript as tidy as I can make it before subjecting it to outside eyes. I found a few things to change today and one big note that has to do with time passage. I've got a scene that I like but I feel like it's on the wrong day and I also feel like I haven't divided the days very well. Once the hurricane arrives time just moves along without mention of "the next morning" or something like that. It's confusing.

Another one of the Christmas Cactus buds is opening! There are two more that look promising but this one is doing it.

I flipped open Draw 20 Jellyfish late this afternoon and drew a squid, a seahorse, and an anemone. I like the squid and the seahorse, but the anemone is kind of odd looking, don't you think?

Tonight while listening to the TV I finished knitting the heel flap of the Summer in Monaco Campfire sock. Next comes the heel turn and that I have to do in relative quiet, alright, total silence so I don't screw it up. These are the sock parts that I'd like to farm out to another knitter because they take a lot of concentration and dedication to the task. Traits I feel that I sometimes lack.

My big accomplishment today was taking a shower. You have no idea how hard it is for me to get nekkid when I know I'll be cold on my dash from the bedroom to the bathroom. I have a hard time getting out of bed for the same reason. I even turned up the heat a couple degrees to see if that helped but I didn't notice an improvement. I've turned into such a wimp.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I do know how hard it can be to take a shower because I'm the same way. And I don't even have the excuse of the cold house. It's just such a rigmarole somehow -- clothes off, into the shower, shampoo, washing myself and then the getting out (carefully -- don't want to slip and fall) and drying, talcum powder, lotion, hair gel, getting dressed again. Whew!! I'm tired just writing all that. But we gotta at least try to stay presentable.