Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Another One

Another Christmas cactus flower is opening. Its petals are just starting to peel away from the bud and the others that have bloomed are fading fast. There's maybe one more bud that has the potential to bloom but I'm not holding my breath.

I was up early this morning and glanced out to see a Nuthatch on the platform feeder. I wasn't fast enough to get the camera up and ready and the flash would have gone off anyway so I dredged up an old Nuthatch photo to put on here. I'm sorry, I know it's cheating but I can't help myself. I was so excited to see it.

Before I left for my appointment I pulled out my sketchbook and drew a few figures from 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish. I think I like the sea slug the best. Although the sea serpent next to it isn't bad. And the seal is pretty good but the sea otter is not good.

Then later I turned to the next page in the zentangles book and found two more tangles to learn. I like the poke leaf but couldn't get the hang of growth. I'll have to practice them more.

Again I spent the shank of the afternoon rereading the manuscript. I found a few places to tidy up the language and almost managed to stay awake but I only dozed off for about half an hour before I gave up and went to find something more active to do, like wrap a couple gifts that had arrived since my last wrapping fest. Still haven't gotten to folding that basket of clean laundry.

I had an echocardiogram this morning and whatever he found couldn't have been too bad because they let me come home. I figure if there was something terrible I'd still be there. I stopped at ALDI on my way home and managed pretty well. Still got out of breath walking to the car but was way better than before I started taking the diuretic. And I got the trash and recycling out to the curb with only minor stops along the way. So I'm much better than I was 2 weeks ago. Whew. Now to get the test results and find out the next step.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better. Hope you learn the results of the echo soon.