Thursday, December 21, 2023

Just A Dab

For some reason I decided to get out my watercolors and paint a postcard this afternoon. Maybe because today is the winter solstice. Anyway it didn't turn out too badly.


I was happy to see another (or the same, I can't tell) Nuthatch on the tube feeder this morning. It landed on a perch and slowly twirled while prospecting for something tasty.


The most Christmas cactus blooms I've ever had are open at the same time right now. There are three open and one fading.


I pulled out the Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers book which I haven't looked at in months, opened it to a random page, and drew a few flowers this afternoon. They're okay.


Then I spent the rest of the afternoon rereading the manuscript. This time through I find that I'm taking words out instead of adding them in. Like today, I took out a whole lot of "just"s which is one of my favorite words but is one that needs removing. It's extra, it doesn't add anything to the story. I think I left one in but most I took out.


I got an email that the last outstanding Christmas gift shipped. Hallelujah! It's supposed to arrive Christmas Eve. I'll get it wrapped and tagged and on the (small) pile as soon as it gets here.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I love the little nuthatch peeking out. Nice that some birds stay up north during the winter.