Friday, December 22, 2023


The Nuthatch was back today, poking its beak into the tube feeder, looking for a peanut. I think that's what it is prospecting for because when it finds one it flies away. It came a few times that I saw it and I managed to snap this one, slightly blurry photo.

The first bird that I saw today was this Junco pecking around in the fallen seed under the tube feeder. Juncos aren't quite as camouflaged as the Sparrows that cluster down there. And they have to think they've gone to the tropics because it's been so mild and we have no snow. I'm fine with no snow but LC is steamed because she loves the snow.

I turned to the next Zentangle page and found these three tangles. I like the first two but I'm not sure about the last one. Maybe if I draw it in a Zentangle I'll like it better. Maybe tomorrow.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I finished the heel gusset of the Summer in Monaco Campfire sock and started my way down the foot toward the toe. The foot measures 7" from the base of the heel so I have a ways to go.

I got the preliminary results of the echocardiogram this afternoon and my heart function is good. She said that the murmur may be some calcification so the next step is to have a stress test. I'm sure I'll hear from the scheduler either next Friday or after New Year's. So far, so good. Still getting out of breath too fast but I'm working on being a little more active, climbing down and up the basement stairs a few times a day.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Great good news about your heart. I'm counting that as a wonderful Christmas gift. And I know you'll ace a stress test. I did not ace the one time I had that test -- but I lived to tell the tale.