Thursday, December 14, 2023


Just after I opened the patio door drapes I spotted a Chickadee on the platform feeder. Hooray! It didn't pose but I was able to take its picture just the same. You can see almost all of it.

Then a couple Sparrows landed on the tube feeder. You can only see one of them because their landing momentum caused the feeder to slowly rotate but, trust me, there're two birds on there. And those were the last birds I saw all day. The squirrel came by and tried leaping up and riding the Slinky in an attempt to get to the feeders but it gave up pretty quickly.

Here's the drawing I did this afternoon. It's from 20 Ways to Draw a Tree and I like the top two, the apple core and the sprig of grass, the best.

I washed a sink of dishes too. I save the portion containers until I have a good amount of them so I'm not running a sink full of water every day. One benefit of living where it's cold is that they don't attract bugs.

I had the devil of a time staying awake today. It seemed like every time I sat down I dozed off. I guess my sleep last night was more disturbed than I thought. My one calf kept trying to cramp and that kept me awake. Stupid muscles.



Aunt Barb said...

If I didn't know we're in Florida, I'd think it might snow today. The sky has that grey, low hanging look that comes right before a snow storm. And the wind is blowing like crazy. Glad Paul doesn't have a golf game today.

Aunt Barb said...

P.S. Sorry about waking you yesterday morning but it was good to catch up on what's happening in our worlds. Don't forget to check out that Bushel and Peck book on Amazon. It would be so perfect for you and the little people. XXXXX