Wednesday, August 16, 2023


There are Black-eyed Susans, three or four plants, up on the retaining wall but this year I have a volunteer growing in front of the retaining wall. I don't know how Black-eyed Susans propagate, but however they do it, this one did.

Another one of the very short Stella d'Oro lilies bloomed today too. I don't know if you can see it but there was an ant running around all over the flower while I was trying to take its picture.

The coleus in the pots across the front of the house are doing okay now that they've had a little rain. The lady that's supposed to take care of them (me!) is pretty lazy about watering but they're managing to survive.

I went down to the library to sort books this afternoon and got one table of unboxed books sorted and binned. It was a mixture of fiction hardcover and paperbacks, poetry, and memoir/biography with a little world history thrown in for good measure. Whoever these books belonged to had eclectic tastes.

It was 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish's turn for drawing this afternoon. I like the scuba diver and the oyster the best today. I think the manatee looks goofy.

Tonight I finished the Kestrel Sock toe and got the tails woven in. Now when the north winds blow I'll have another sock to keep me warm. I don't mind the color pooling in the instep area, it'll be in my shoe anyway.

I took the day off from writing, didn't get more chapters to review, and only knitted a little bit to give my shoulder a break. I need to learn to relax my right shoulder when I'm typing, knitting, and drawing. If I think about it, my shoulders stay level and I don't tense up the right one which makes it hurt. Taking breaks is a good idea too. You'd think that at my age I'd have figured out this stuff by now.

I also spent some time looking into how to make TikTok videos so I can advertise my books on there but all of the videos that I see are fancy with words that flash on the screen and all of the people are young so maybe I'm too old for TikTok. Also all of the "how to make TikTok videos" on YouTube are gone. You can look them up but when you click on them nothing shows up. I wonder why.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Does Tik-Toc have a different name now? Something like "X"? I never signed up for that so it's a mystery to me. Love that Black Eyed Susan.