Saturday, August 12, 2023


I was lucky enough and quick enough to snap some pictures of a visiting Hummingbird this morning. Of course I had the patio door open so I took them through the screen which means that they're a little, let's say, soft focus. I was thrilled to see her and she came back a couple times when a flying Sparrow spooked her into leaving.

Drawing was fun today. I dived back into 20 Ways to Draw a Tree and found a dragonfly, a tulip, a sprig of grains, a bee, a seed head, and a moth. The dragonfly's my favorite today.

Then I pulled out Drawing Cute to find an apple and avocado on the next page. OJ asked why the apple is frowning and I told him it's because there's a bite out of it. He agreed that would be bad if you were an apple.

The tiniest Stella d'Oro lily bloomed today. The plant's leaves can't be taller than three inches and the stem of the flower isn't much taller but the flower is just as pretty as the other, taller flowers.

And that's it. I had an idea for the new Horizon cover I ordered from GetCovers about 10 days ago. The ones she showed me have been okay, not fabulous, so I suggested that we discard the painting woman on the cover and go with a couple looking into the sunset. I even found an example that I shared with them. I look forward to seeing what they come up with next.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Love the shot of the hummingbird in mid-air. What tiny little creatures they are. So cute.