Wednesday, August 23, 2023

So Frustrated

I spent quite a bit of the morning trying (again) to get the Landing Page, etc. to work so that I could post a link to my email list signup page. Didn't happen. I'm so frustrated I could spit. I've asked for help and very little useful is forthcoming. So I sat here and wrote out an email that I sent to a list of my friends, writing and reading types, asking them to respond. If you're reading this and didn't get an email but want to be on the list, message me with your email address and I'll add you. Thanks for understanding.


Just before lunch I got the last 5 chapters of Island Dreams to review. I finished in the early afternoon, returned it, and very quickly got a pdf of the formatted manuscript. There are things missing, like my full pen name, and the dedication, acknowledgements page, and the list of my other books, plus a request that readers go on Amazon and leave a review. I sent them an email asking that they be added. We'll see how that plays out. Part of me hoped that they'd send me the manuscript to upload and finish on KDP but I guess that's not what I paid for. I think I miss having the control of my literary destiny.


Early this morning before it got too hot and humid I went out and took a picture of the sole blooming Stella d'Oro lily. It never got as hot as they predicted (97 degrees, we hit 91) but the humidity was 85% so it felt stifling hot. Naturally the smoke is back so it's hard to breathe again.

I opened Seuss-isms and found these, um, creatures standing on a point of rocks. I'm not sure what they're doing, hollering into the wind, I guess.

From 20 Ways to Draw a Tree I drew the best acorns I've drawn so far, an okay snowflake, a very good sprig of berries, and a good sprig of herbs. I'm happy with the acorns and the berries, can you tell?

While walking up to the lily to take its picture, I nearly stepped on this little lavender weed
flower. I don't know what it is, probably some native plant, but it sure is pretty. A lot of it grows in my yard and along the retaining wall on the tenants' side.

I've run out of things to say. I hope you're all keeping cool.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

The cyber world continues to frustrate us. It's so complicated and anything complicated is beyond me. I hope everyone got your email and signed up for your newsletter. Glad you didn't give up on that effort.