Tuesday, August 8, 2023

I Caught One

On film, er, on digital, oh you know what I mean. I managed to take a picture of a Bluejay today. This one sat on the crook for at least a minute so I got two shots of it. I wish there was a way to tell if it's a boy Bluejay or a girl Bluejay but there isn't. I'm just happy to have gotten a picture. Usually they don't stay long enough for me to get my hand on the camera much less actually have time to snap one.

The red day lilies are still blooming. There's still weeds out there and a lot of tall ones way back by the fence where I can't reach, and I'm too chicken to climb up and tippytoe down the length of the retaining wall, but there's still flowers which makes me happy.

Today's drawings are from 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly. I think the duck turned out well and I like the grasshopper too. The upside down winged man not so much.

I cast on another dishcloth this evening using the same Pink Lemonade yarn that I used for the last one. This time I'm doing knit 2, yarn over to make the increase instead of knit 1, knit front and back so that there'll be a row of holes between the edge and the cloth, kind of like a decoration. Usually holes in my knitting means that I've screwed something up, this time it's on purpose.

When I sat down to write this afternoon first I updated the Amazon Ads Marketing page like I do whenever I sit down here and I made another sale today. Yippee! That means I've made three whole sales since I started this ads odyssey and profit is still ahead of ad spend. As long as that keeps up I can be patient.

I heard from my team leader at Book Publishing Solutions who offered to call me to talk about the marketing plans that he'd sent me yesterday. I told him that I wasn't interested if it meant additional fees but relented and said he could call me. He started in on his pitch but I stopped him and told him that my budget would only stretch to the package I'd paid for. I could tell he was smiling and he said okay. He also said that I should get the next chapter to review tomorrow. I can't wait.

Writing went pretty well today. I expanded a scene that I started a few days ago and inched my way closer to The End. That makes me happy.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I see bluejays in our backyard real often -- usually flying. Just passing through. I could never capture a picture of one. Glad you did it. Congrats on another sale. So glad you're having success and fun with your writing career.