Thursday, April 20, 2023

Wanna Place an Ad?

I'm in the second day of an Amazon Ad Challenge course and I've made about nine new ads for my 3 books on Amazon. The instructor says that Amazon advertising is like a marathon, not a sprint, so you don't see results quickly. He said today that you should let an ad run for about 3 months to see if it's effective. Man, that's a long time to be patient. These ads aren't like want ads in the newspaper or little squares with a picture of your book and some ad copy. You need to figure out how to position your book's data so that the Amazon algorithm pops your book up when someone searches for something similar. It's moderately confusing but since I've kind of run through my family and friends I have to find a way to get strangers to buy my books, or at least look at them.

I saw a new bird in the yard this morning but it wasn't a gargantuan wild Turkey it was a ground feeding member of the woodpecker family called a Flicker. It stuck pretty close to the retaining wall so my picture isn't very clear but it isn't as blurry as I'd feared.

I also caught a Robin taking a bath. Look at how enthusiastic he is. He must have felt really dirty or perhaps he had a date.

I think my art-ing is getting worse, not better. Today's Daily Practice painting is trees. Just a line of four trees, nothing special, not really a picture, just trees. I like the way the palm tree looks, the others are kind of so-so.

Then there's my drawing for today. It's from Seuss-isms and it's supposed to be a Lorax. It kind of looks right but I think the proportions are off. Good mustache though.

We met at the Pizza Ranch for OJ's birthday supper tonight so I got to eat pizza. It's OJ's favorite food and it was a real treat. They even had caffeine free Diet Coke on tap. I haven't had a Coke in ages. It was good to splurge.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Good job catching the enthusiasm of the bathing robin. And I like your thought that maybe he had a date. It is Springtime after all -- mating season.