Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Today was that kind of day for me--37 degrees, dreary, rainy, and bleak. That kind of weather robs me of any and all enthusiasm for doing things. I'm taking an online Amazon Ads 5-Day Challenge which started today so I did that. Watched the video and did my homework. I changed the subtitle of one of my eBooks and gave another eBook a subtitle but I'm stuck for what to write for Horizon's subtitle. I'll cogitate on it. Maybe inspiration will strike overnight. Unfortunately you can't change or add a subtitle to a paperback book so I'm stuck there but maybe jazzing up the eBooks will spill over into the paperback world. Maybe.

It was fun watching this tiny Chipping Sparrow dodge the bigger birds and the lightning quick visit of a Turkey. I can't decide if this Turkey is one bird or a couple of them. I do know that they're all females (no beard).

And the grump of a Cardinal was back for a while. He even tolerated a House Finch clinging to one of the corner posts of the feeder but then the House Finch tried to peck a seed and that was going too far. The Cardinal ran him off. Bully.

The other day when it wasn't raining I went out and saw that the Bleeding Hearts have started sprouting. They aren't very tall and not so easy to see but they're there and I'm glad to see them.

Funnily enough when I turned to the next page in Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers there were Bleeding Hearts on the page. What are the odds?

I wasn't in a painting mood so I looked at the next Sketchbook class lesson and found it was using watercolor brush pens to completely color a spread in the sketchbook and then overlay it making open circles with a gray brush pen. As you can see in the upper left corner I started doing it but don't really like it so I quit. I'll just leave the colorful pages as is. I think.

Over the last few nights I've added another inch or so to the Rainbow Brioche Beanie so I thought I'd inflict another picture on you. Like I said, I'm a slow knitter and even slower knitting brioche so I'm happy with my progress.

And that's it for my day. I'm feeling kind of blah and uninspired. Maybe I used up all my inspiration at last weekend's writing retreat. Tomorrow will be better, warmer but probably still rainy or at least still overcast. But also tomorrow is OJ"s 7th birthday! I can't believe he's going to be that old already but he's definitely tall enough. Both of them have shot up over the winter.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I agree -- time flies when it comes to grandkids. And yes, they both looked tall in the Easter picture on FB. Paul's youngest grandson -- Leo -- will be fifteen tomorrow. "Sunrise
Sunset - Swiftly flow the days."