Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter!

I hope everybody had a good day. I did. I got to spend the afternoon with my family and even got the gift of a pretty plant for my table. The weather was perfect, partly sunny, a little breezy, but it got up to 66 degrees this afternoon. After we ate we all took a walk to the park along the Wolf River so that the kids could get their wiggles out. We saw a loon, a bunch of ducks, and a pair of eagles hunting for fish in the river. It was nice. And there was cheesecake for dessert with cherries on top. Mmm.

First thing this morning I got out my paints and did the Daily Practice which was to paint gourds and squash. They come in so many shapes and colors it was hard to go wrong. Then she had us add leaves with pen and ink. I'm not so sure how much I like that but I played along.

Then I pulled out 10-Steps: Flowers to draw a Crocus. I thought that was the perfect flower for today since it really felt like spring today. And the rabbits can't eat this crocus.

When I got home late this afternoon there was the Cardinal all by himself in the platform feeder. I always wonder if he can see me aiming the camera lens at him when he turns to look my way.

While the dishwasher ran (which I meant to do last night and forgot) I got out Draw 500 Fabulous Flowers and drew these... whatever they are. The upper one looks like geranium leaves and the lower one looks like a pitcher plant. Are they flowers? I don't know but I liked drawing them.

The Bento bags and their contents were big hits. OJ asked if they got to keep the bags so I guess he liked it.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sounds like you had a perfect Easter -- a real Spring day!