Thursday, April 6, 2023

Gale Warning

It was so windy today, all day, that there were gale warnings on the bay of Green Bay. I went down to the library to sort books and felt the push of the wind when I was up on the bridge over the river. Man, it was windy and cold. The temperature was supposed to be in the low 40s but I gotta tell you it sure didn't feel like that. At the library the tables had only a single layer of boxes but the wall of boxes waiting to be moved to the tables is still there. I managed to shift a few boxes of books and I think I might know the previous owner of that enormous library. I opened a book and saw a familiar name. Small world.

I noticed that the wind had blown out the seed from the platform feeder and I thought about going out to refill it but the wind was so strong that I figured it would blow it away again. I'll refill it tomorrow when it won't be so windy, I hope.

I spent most of the afternoon shifting segments of manuscript from one document to another and then changing the POV from 3rd to 1st. I'm about 135 pages into document 2 and there are 210 pages of document 1 so I figure I'm making pretty good progress and I feel good about the change in point of view. Once I get it all shifted I can start inserting conflict and basically throwing rocks at my characters. Eesh.

It was after 5 o'clock when I finally pulled out my paints and got started making a mess. I decided to try my hand at following the directions I wrote in last spring's watercolor class. I don't think I did a very good job. This is supposed to be the Washington Island lavender fields. It's a good thing I'm going back for a refresher in a month.

Tonight I watched Maine Cabin Masters and Barnwood Builders on TV and knitted on the Rainbow Brioche Beanie and only made two mistakes, both of which I managed to fix without having to rip out and start over. Whew.

Yesterday I made a new keyword Amazon ad for Better Than Mom's, it was moderated and went live today. I kept checking and I had way more impressions today than I've had any other day, still no clicks or sales, but I feel better about it. Oh, I also called the Aging and Disability Resource Center (aka the Senior Center) and left a message for the program director saying that I thought my books would appeal to their clients and I'm willing to come down and do a reading, and I called the Peninsula Bookman bookstore in Fish Creek and made arrangements to stop there next Thursday on my way to The Clearing to see about him stocking my books. Marketing! It's my new job/hobby!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Yes, you are doing a good job of marketing. Lots of places and people to reach so I'm sure it will pay off. Hope the wind dies down. That sounded frightening to be on the bridge when there were gale warnings!!