Friday, April 28, 2023

On Today's Menu

I only cooked up one recipe today--Sheet Pan Sausage and Veggies. It's a lot of chopping and cutting up, a little bit of stirring, and then  30 minutes of roasting in a 400 degree oven. Smells good, tastes good, freezes well. Can't go wrong. Only one recipe left but that'll have to wait until Sunday to get made because tomorrow's the market and then I'll have assistants in the afternoon.

Look at these Goldfinches! I was surprised to see all three of them sitting on the feeder and not squabbling. Usually molting makes birds irritable but these three seemed to be getting along just fine.

The big patch of day lilies along the west side of the backyard are sprouting up nice and green. I can't wait until their long stalks with bright orange flowers come along. They bloom for a long time because there's such a big patch of them.

I went back into the line drawing class I took on Creativebug and did the first couple of lessons again. I like the way this poppy turned out. I was drawing on smaller paper than the teacher had so I only drew one flower but I like it.

I'm not as thrilled with today's Daily Practice watercolor. I don't mind the ink drawing of the bicycle but I don't think I like the outsized flowers that are sprouting out of the bike's basket. I think I need to find a different watercolor class. This stuff isn't my style, but at least I tried.

In the afternoon this Downy Woodpecker male came flying over and landed on the suet for a snack and he positioned himself nicely so I could take his picture.

The brioche beanie wasn't what I wanted to knit on tonight so I went downstairs and found some good looking sock yarn and a new pattern for the leg and cast on the cuff at Friday Night Knitting. I got the cuff done and the first three rounds of the leg pattern. You can't see it yet but I think it'll look nice with this yarn. I know it's really thin yarn on really skinny needles but I'm okay with that. So far. Things might change when it comes to knitting the foot because I wear a size 10 shoe so the foot's a bit of a long slog but I'll manage.

I'm excited that there's one more Market on Military tomorrow morning. I've got my little collapsible wagon in the wayback of the car already so I can pack up all my books and my chair and get it out to the car with minimal hassle. Here's hoping that I sell at least one book!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I like that drawing of the bicycle with all the flowers in the basket. I have a coffee mug that has almost that exact rendering on it and its one of my favorites. Sending positive thoughts your way that you sell at least one book today.