Today started out marginally better than the last two days. It didn't help that instead of sunny it was cloudy all day and I didn't think to turn on the "sunlight" lamps. I decided that I wasn't going to do yoga or meditate or do anything I didn't want to do. Might not even get dressed. But then I remember that KW and I planned to meet at the Y. Turned out she had a doc appointment so we met at her apartment after supper and walked, stretched, and floated in the pool there. First thing this morning I made the English Toffee. I spread it into the largest and oldest of my baking sheets, the one that belonged to my long deceased mother-in-law. It's banged up and not exactly rectangular and decorated with years of un-scrub-off-able grease but it's big. That made the toffee the thinnest I think I've ever managed. It's so good. There's a very good reason why I only make Party Mix and English Toffee at Christmastime. If I made it any other time I'd need a "wide load" sign for my behind. I am unable to leave the stuff alone.
Today's toss isn't a toss--yet. I was looking for some lingerie fabric that I knew I had last night and opened up a pair of totes that I thought were full of nothing but swimsuit fabric. Turned out that on the bottom of one of them were five lengths of printed lingerie fabric which is exactly what I was looking for. Of course it smelled musty from having spent the last 15 years in a tote so into the washer it went. When it was time to put it into the dryer it still smelled faintly musty so I ran it through again and used one of the Tide Pods that P&G sent in the retiree box last week. That did the trick. I did separate out some way too small to use pieces and toss them.
So I dragged the two totes over to the laundry area, sorted the fabric by color (sorta), and got started washing and drying it all. I was thinking the other day that I need some capri length leggings for working out and they're expensive to buy but years and years (and YEARS) ago I made myself some lycra pants. I can do it again--and look at all the raw material I have on hand. The only thing I'll need to buy is elastic. We used to have a swimming pool so every year I'd make everyone in the family at least two swimming suits and for a couple years I made Speedo-style suits for all of the dive guys because it's a whole lot more comfortable to wear that under a wetsuit. Folding the clean fabric was like a stroll down memory lane. I kept the larger pieces of fabric because I could get two small suits from one length of it so I'd be folding and think "oh, DAM had a suit out of this," "JJ's second suit was out of this red and black stuff," "PMOC looked good in this lime and purple suit." It was fun and kind of bittersweet. I miss the dive guys but not enough to go back to work.
By 3:30 I had a severe case of yoga guilt so I cued up the app on my Kindle and did my daily yoga practice while listening to a mindfulness meditation. It kind of helped. The rest of the afternoon was taken up with wrapping gifts. Not that I have that many to wrap, you understand, I'm just really slow, pretty bad at it, and take lots of breaks to nibble and watch mindless TV. I didn't write the prompt last night. I've gotten into bed way too late the last couple nights. I'm going to try to get this done and turn out the light before midnight tonight. --Barbara
That English Toffee looks so tempting. Good job getting it so thin. That's always been the hard part for me -- spreading that hot stuff around on the cookie sheet. Your basement is like a treasure trove -- or like that sewing room of your mother's! Remember all that tons of fabric in there? But glad you can make tights and only have to buy elastic! Wish I had some brilliant words of encouragement for you in this tough time but know I'm thinking of you and love, love, love you!!! You are my all-time, very favorite and super special niece.
1 comment:
That English Toffee looks so tempting. Good job getting it so thin. That's always been the hard part for me -- spreading that hot stuff around on the cookie sheet. Your basement is like a treasure trove -- or like that sewing room of your mother's! Remember all that tons of fabric in there? But glad you can make tights and only have to buy elastic! Wish I had some brilliant words of encouragement for you in this tough time but know I'm thinking of you and love, love, love you!!! You are my all-time, very favorite and super special niece.
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