And what do you do on a rainy, windy Sunday? Why you wash windows, that's what you do. I've been hoping for a cloudy day (because washing windows on a sunny day earns you lots of streaks [the Windex dries too fast]) so after yoga and breakfast I fished last week's newspapers out of the recycling, tore them on the fold, and proceeded around the house from the kitchen sink to the living room windows. Durwood's the one who taught me to use newspaper rather than paper towel because newspaper leaves no lint; Mom taught me the cloudy day thing.
In today's comics B.C. perfectly expressed my feelings about Daylight Savings Time, which ended, not started, in the wee hours. It shows B.C. walking up to a stone monolith with a shovel over his shoulder. He digs around the base of the stone, shoves the stone to the left, and then refills the hole. He walks away, saying, "Whew! I hate Daylight Savings." Exactly how I feel.
Then I cast on the mitt and got one repeat of the cuff cable done before I had to talk to CDA on the phone for a while, then surf the web looking for a motel room near her house for Tuesday night in case it isn't convenient to stay with her. It's a long story, suffice to say it's good to Be Prepared.
After that and reheating and eating the last of Tuesday's pizza (I admit I'm glad it's gone) I sat here tidying up the knitting guild newsletter and getting it turned into a pdf and sent off to the members. One more issue and then it's somebody else's baby.
4 November--Odilon Redon, Wildflowers in a Long Neck Vase. Olivia stood in the doorway. Where did those flowers come from, she wondered. Mac was out of town. He was the only one who gave her flowers. She turned at the sound behind her. "Yes, Nathan?" she said. "I hope you don't mind but I thought you might like some flowers." She frowned. "Are these from the garden?" He shook his head. "No, ma'am, I picked them on my walk this morning. They're wildflowers." She knew they were wildflowers. How foolish to ask if they were from the garden. He must think she'd lost her mind. Poor old bat, can't remember what's in her own garden. "Ma'am, are you okay?" His hand was gentle on her shoulder. "I'm fine. I think I'll go lie down." She turned to walk down the hall to her room. "Mrs. Olivia, your room is this way." He gently cupped her elbow, turned her around, and guided her down the hall.
I foolishly had a Coke with my pizza, forgetting that those skinny cans of flavored Coke have caffeine in them. It tasted great but I can tell that I won't be going to sleep for a while. Maybe I'll get the cuff of that mitt knitted yet today. Hasta la vista, babies.
If I can be a Mac/Apple help let me know.
Good for you for washing the windows -- and thanks for the newspaper tip. Love those sparkling windows. I have a feeling that newsletter will continue to be your baby next year. It's not like you don't have plenty of time to take it on again. Yeah, right!
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