Today's toss was another box of antiquated darkroom equipment and,
just to silence those of you who wonder if I look at what's in the boxes before I throw out or donate them, look at what I found.
A teeny tiny camera (that's a teaspoon). There wasn't any film in it and I don't know what size would fit in there but this is a very cool find. Maybe someone will want it. Maybe someone will buy it.
The fruitcakes got more syrup today. I got smart and got an 1/8 cup measuring cup to scoop it out. That was much tidier than pouring 2 tablespoons of syrup out of the Tupperware measuring cup with a lid that drips down the pitcher from the spout. There's about a tablespoon of syrup left for each one in a couple days then I'll take them downstairs to age in the cool until Christmas.
26 November--Pellegrino Tibaldi, Neptune and the Ship of Ulysses. The waves were like rearing horses bashing their hooves against the ship's hull. The wind had claws that raked at the sails. Jacob double-checked that his life jacket was secure and that he was hooked to the ship in case he fell or got swept overboard. In between lightning flashes he wondered what had possessed him to set sail alone. Thunder slammed his ears and made him think of Miriam standing calmly in the door of his study telling him that he was too boring for her to remain another day. Two weeks later he was alone in the middle of the ocean in a gale.
I wish I had been in the middle of the ocean instead of in the dentist's chair this afternoon. I feel like I got scammed since I didn't have a toothache but spent all that money anyway. And I had to let them keep my partial because one of its anchor teeth is the one getting the crown. Arrgh. Good thing I have a big bunch of homemade soup so I can eat that instead of crunchy or sticky things. Guess what I'm craving...
1 comment:
Ohhhh, I feel for you having the dentist ordeal. That's too long to have to sit with your mouth so wide open. I just hate going to the dentist. That tiny camera is a real find. It's like a spy camera or something. Your basement is a treasure trove of wondrous things. You can go antiquing in the comfort of your own home.
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