Today we all went to breakfast at Shaker Village which is an historic site a few miles outside of Lexington. The buildings are all built in that spare style with peg rails on the walls to hang your chair or your coat. We had a lovely buffet of eggs, grits, bacon or sausage, bread pudding, and fruit. Oh, fresh pumpkin muffins too. Yum. We talked about going to the craft shop afterwards but it was 27 degrees and windy so we decided not to. Just as we were finishing a woman began singing what sounded like old hymns or folk songs in the lobby. I took GGSI and we went out to listen while DD and SIL1 finished their meals. GGSI was riveted to the lady and we moved to the music. This is one of the staircases that spirals up to the guest rooms above. Beautiful. I'd love to go back when it isn't so darned cold.
We spent most of the day visiting, playing with the baby, and trying to get him to nap. He's not a fan. I guess he doesn't want to miss anything interesting. He's not talking yet but babbles nearly constantly. He's a pretty happy guy, has soft blue eyes, and an engaging smile with a few teeth. I think he's working on getting more teeth because he's a veritable drool factory. Late in the afternoon we shopped a reseller store that is chock full of all sorts of things. I bought a couple Christmas gifts for kids and DD and SIL1 filled a cart with books, toys, and other goodies. First-time grandparents are predictable, aren't they? Afterwards we went to an outfitter so I could try on a pair of Blundstone boots. I've been looking for some nice boots, nicer boots than the ones I got at Famous Footwear, ones that aren't plastic. My intent was to try them on so I'd know what size to order online (to make sure they didn't make my ex-broken ankle hurt) but the online ones are only $10 cheaper and that would have been eaten up in shipping--so I bought them. See? They're the most expensive shoes I've ever bought but I expect they'll last the rest of my life. Didn't write last night, I was too tired. May not write tonight either. This traveling gig is taking it out of me. --Barbara
You don't need a prompt to write something interesting. Recounting your day is "prompt" enough! Glad you're having a good time with the kids and GGSI. He sounds like a keeper. I have a picture of LD and Nancy taken at that Shaker Village many years ago. Interesting place. Love those boots. Very impressive. Glad you splurged on them.
1 comment:
You don't need a prompt to write something interesting. Recounting your day is "prompt" enough! Glad you're having a good time with the kids and GGSI. He sounds like a keeper. I have a picture of LD and Nancy taken at that Shaker Village many years ago. Interesting place. Love those boots. Very impressive. Glad you splurged on them.
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