Sunday, May 29, 2022

They're the Berries

Well, they will be. I found more flowers on the old blueberry bush in the backyard today. That bush is determined to make berries with no help from me. The landscaper is supposed to come and take out the garden area, smooth out the slope, and put in grass but hasn't come yet. I'll give him a call on Tuesday to see what's the hold up. There must be a reason they haven't come. Maybe they're really busy and I'm farther down the list.

Mixed in with the daisies and bee balm are some alliums. There's a bunch of them blooming right now. I noticed when I was mowing yesterday that something nipped off the heads of the alliums in front. If they're not going to eat the danged flower they should leave it alone. It probably tastes like onions anyway. That should be a deterrent. 

When I took the alliums' picture I noticed that the asparagus is popping up. A couple spears grew last week and have gotten too big to eat but I found two spears that I could save and eat with my little turkey meatloaf for supper. Yum.

I took a sunset picture last week when I was at The Clearing and tried my hand at painting it today. It isn't as bright as the photograph but I think it's okay. I don't know how to make the light in the picture brighter but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.


Oh, speaking of The Clearing, KA, the watercolor teacher, also makes fused glass items and she brought some little sun catchers to give to us. This is the one I chose. I think the dark spot in it looks like an eye.

I started the "L" lesson in the 3-D book today so I first drew 5 different versions of the letter "L" (boring), then I took another stab at one of the faces in 10-Steps: People which turned out okay, but my favorite drawing of the day is the Dog Rose out of the 10-Steps: Nature book. I  have a lot of luck with those pictures.

Speaking of art, LC commented that I have a lot of art stuff spread all over the bed in the guest room so I decided to do something about it. I spent the morning in the guest room rearranging things, finding stuff to toss, and making shelf room for all of my drawing and paining things. It looks much neater in there now plus you can actually see the bed.

A Bluejay swooped down and landed on the crook today. There weren't any peanuts out but it took a look at the cob corn and then spent a few seconds pecking around under the feeders. I'm always happy to see a Bluejay. I like their raucous caw when they land.

Today's toss was a couple empty photo albums and some extra pages. I let go of a lot of things that were cluttering up the shelves in the guest room, some hard to get rid of and some of it easy to toss.

I keep waking up between 5 and 6 o'clock in the morning and I don't like it. It's barely after 9 o'clock and I keep wanting to doze off. I took a short walk around the block today hoping that would make my back stop aching but it didn't. Guess I've inherited Mom's sore back. I'd walk again tomorrow but it's supposed to be 90 degrees. Not going out walking in that. I have my limits.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Fresh, home-grown asparagus!! Lucky you! My favorite but I rarely eat it. Green veggies don't appear very often on our dinner plates.