Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Mr. & Mrs. Goldfinch

Both of them came to the feeders a couple times today. I got them both on the frame once but she was blurry so all we have is the Mr. in this picture. I meant to get some finch seed when I went to the birdseed store today but didn't remember it until I got home. Man, that's what I get for leaving my list in the car. I also thought I saw an Indigo Bunting flying away from the feeders, twice, but maybe it was just a Brown-headed Cowbird's black feathers' iridescence. I hope not, I want an Indigo Bunting to come.

It was foggy and kind of chilly this morning, and it's supposed to get close to 90 and be humid for the next two days. What is with the weather? I'm getting whiplash from the temperature swings.

The daily art page said to make marks using dry brush techniques. I had to look it up and don't think that I succeeded. I'm hoping that I'll learn how to do it in watercolor class--in eleven days!

I took another stab at the face I drew yesterday. The eyes are a little better but not great. I'll try again tomorrow. I'm determined to make her look human instead of creepy and wonky. I'll get there, after all, they say that practice makes perfect. I'm not going for perfect, I'll settle for adequate.

I sat on the couch tonight, watched things that I'd DVR'd, and knitted on the Simple Alpaca Shawl. It's just knits, purls, and yarn overs and it grows by 4 stitches every right-side row so it's growing fast. It'll be nice and snuggly when next winter comes, if I manage to stick with it when the rows get looooong.

This afternoon I sat and read more of The Seaview and found a glaring timeline booboo three-quarters of the way through the novel. It's going to take some creativity to fix it. Man, I hate having to think.

Today's toss was a bag of car care products that was lurking on a shelf in the garage. The bag caught my eye when I came home from the birdseed store and I knew that if I hadn't used it by now I never would use it. I'm not the sort to detail my ride.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Ninety degrees? Sounds like Florida. What's that old adage -- if you don't like the weather, wait a minute? Springtime in GB.