Saturday, May 21, 2022

Can Robins Hear Worms?

I watched this Robin tugging a worm out of the ground this afternoon. How did the bird know that the worm was there? How did it know where to jab its beak? I can't figure it out.

The female Cardinal came to the feeder this afternoon after I'd filled everything. I wondered if the male had agreed to sit on the eggs so that she got a break to go find something to eat.

I found a bunch of new buds in the yard today. One of the Stella d'Oro lily plants has this little cluster of buds on a stem just popping up.

There's this little cluster of blueberry flowers on the biggest blueberry bush. My poor blueberries are at least 10 years old and they're tiny. Two of the bushes don't really make many leaves, flowers, or berries anymore but this one bush keeps trying.

On the west side of the house one of the poppy plants has a fuzzy bud just barely visible in a whorl of leaves. Maybe by the time I get back from The Clearing next Friday there'll be a flower!

This bumblebee was buzzing around in a window well. Here's its butt, but there's no pollen to be seen.

The next figure in the 15-Minute Artist was Chain Links. This was like drawing an optical illusion. It amazes me that merely erasing a couple lines here and there you can make it look 3-D.

I let myself draw the next thing in 10-Steps: Nature, the strawberry. I think the leaves turned out well and I especially like the tiny immature strawberry dangling at the bottom. I'm happy with just about everything that I draw out of that book.


Today's toss was... hm, seems I forgot to find something to toss. Ah well.

It was chilly enough today that I was comfortable outside in a t-shirt under a hoodie. As much as I love my Zambaldi Beer hoodies, I'm kind of ready to retire them for the season.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Your drawings are so wonderful. Both the chain and the strawberry get an A++ from your Aunt B.