Monday, May 30, 2022

Grandma Called Them Flags

But they're really iris. When I got home on Friday a couple iris were blooming. This morning there had to be at least ten of them in bloom, all purple, and some are so heavy that they're lying on the ground. Evidently I have weak stems. But they sure are pretty, especially against the weathered gray of the fence.

I managed to get pictures of a Robin taking a bath. I love watching them because they enjoy it so much. They really get into it, splashing and flapping until half of the water is out of the birdbath. OJ was horrified to discover that birds drink out of the birdbath since he's seen bird poop in the water. He notices stuff like that. What can I say, he's a boy and he's 6.

My first drawing subject today wasn't very challenging. The next figure in the 15-Minute Artist book was a tube of lipstick. I no longer own any lipstick. I don't wear makeup and when I did I'd usually rub it off before lunchtime since I can't seem to keep my hands away from my face.

Then I pulled out a drawing book that I haven't used yet and tried my hand at the first picture. It's an eagle. I think there's a look of seagull about it, especially in the beak area. It was a challenge.

Today's watercolor postcard is another attempt at painting tulips. I love the colors but the composition is all wrong. I'll take another stab at it another day. See the splatter dots across the bottom? I managed to get spots on my glasses too. I missed my clothes because I was wearing an apron. Smart.

Today's toss was Candyland and Chutes and Ladders games that the kids no longer play. I appropriated the shelf they were on for my art supplies.

I vacuumed today. I don't like vacuuming but I tracked in some grass the other day and it was bugging me so I did it. It didn't make it to 90 degrees today, only 84, but I still didn't go on a walk. Instead I made an Investment Cooking grocery list because next week is time to cook again. Time sure flies.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I think your eagle looks just like an eagle. And I love the "flag".