Monday, May 9, 2022


This morning I went out with the loppers and trimmed some branches that were hanging in the lilac bush from a tree up in the parking lot behind the house. I'd never paid much attention to the tree but the blossoms were amazing. I clipped one, brought it inside, and downloaded a plant ID app that told me that it is a Boxelder tree. Pretty cool looking efflorescence (which means blooming).

It was really windy today, so windy that one of the perches of the Hummingbird feeder caught on the Slinky on the crook and poured out all of the nectar. So I went out, pushed the Slinky up to the end of the crook so it was out of the way, and refilled the feeder. Good thing because about an hour later a male Hummingbird visited for a split second. He didn't stay long enough for me to take a picture but I was thrilled to see him

The next figure in the 15-Minute Artist was a pot of lavender. I wasn't too happy because it looked hard to draw but I followed the directions, looked at the pictures, and ta da! I did it and it even turned out well.

Last night I cast on the start of a shawl. This morning I frogged it and started again using bigger needles. This yarn is baby alpaca and it's so soft. This is a simple pattern that I'll be able to knit while talking on Friday night Zooms.

When I put yesterday's dirty clothes in the laundry chute this morning they didn't go anywhere. Uh-oh, the chute was full which meant that it was time to do laundry. I managed to have only three big loads and got it done before suppertime. Now if only the Good Fairy would come and fold the darned stuff. It's time to put my winter socks away and get out my summer socks so I did that while I was down there too.

Today's toss was a galvanized aluminum plant holder. It's shaped like a shopping bag. I found it at a rummage sale for a few bucks, thought it was funny, and bought it. It has sat on a shelf in the basement since the day I bought it so I evidently didn't like it THAT much. Someone will like it.

DS was at an event tonight so I got to take OJ to his Lion Cub Scout meeting. Tonight's activity was the Rain Gutter Regatta. We made boats out of recyclables and sailed them in gutters out in the school courtyard. OJ built a raft of popsicle sticks with a straw mast and a piece of a shopping bag for a sail. It worked pretty well. I'd forgotten the bedlam of those pack meetings but it was fun to get to be his grownup for the evening. We had a good time.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

It's so nice you get to do things with the little guys. What if they'd never moved back to GB? Thank goodness they did.