Friday, May 13, 2022

Peter Cottontail

This bunny is a regular in the afternoon under the birdfeeders. It comes hopping in, looks around, and then tucks in. There has been another one with different markings but this one seems to come most often. 

There's a few more leaves on the honeysuckle vine. Maybe the last few steamy days will speed up the leafing out process. Trees sure have responded to the 90 degrees and humid days. There are leaves popping out all over. The only time I was outside today was filling the birdfeeders before lunch and I can say that it felt like the dog days of August out there today. Ugh.

The next lesson in the 30 Days book was the human face. I didn't read the text, just followed the drawings at first and didn't do too badly.

Then I read the directions which said to use tracing paper and trace the drawing which was by Leonardo da Vinci so I did that. The tracings are much better than my drawing but he said that tracing isn't cheating, it's a way to train your hand to make the right marks. That makes sense, I guess.

I liked this Cardinal. I think it looks like someone called its name to get its attention.before it turned around and got busy pecking at the safflower seeds.

I added a couple sections onto the Simple Alpaca Shawl last night and tonight. Pretty soon it'll be time to add in the next skein. I have a long way to go.

We got an email from the watercolor teacher today telling about the things she's planning to teach us. It sounds exciting and a little intimidating. I also discovered that I know another one of the men in class. Hooray! Should be fun. I decided today not to go up a day early because I won't have a friend to hang out with. Why spend fifty bucks to be alone up there when I can be alone at home for free? Only a week and a day until I go.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Love the picture of the honeysuckle climbing up the fence. Good one. I know you hate the hot and humid weather so hope it doesn't follow you to The Clearing.