Sunday, May 15, 2022

Fourth Time's the Charm

I drew that poor patient lady out of the 10-Steps: People book again today. Eureka! She looks human, like a real person, symmetrical. What a relief. I was beginning to think that I was doomed to never draw a decent face.

The bleeding hearts have started blooming. I love the little arching stems with the line of dangling hearts. The plant has a lot more growing and blossoming to do before its time is up.

And the forsythia still has its cheerful yellow blooms but now it's getting leaves too. I suppose that the leaves will push the flowers off the stems but that's the way of nature.

I found a few purple violets mixed in with the drift of white ones in the back yard. I went to fill the gas can today so that I can mow the lawn tomorrow. I realized that I need to mow this week because next week I'll be away at the watercolor workshop (COVID willing).

The next figure in the 15-Minute Artist book was a long-stemmed rose. It was harder than I thought to draw the flower, to get all those petals wrapped around the center. I think that there's another way to draw a rose in the 10-Step: Flowers book, I saw it when I flipped through. I'll give it a shot one of these days.

It was a perfect day today, sunny and warm. I opened all the windows and the patio door and let in all the fresh air that could crowd through the screens. And when I went out to clean and refill the birdbath I heard the neighbor's baby fussing on the patio so I went over to chat her up to see if I could get her to stop crying. Her daddy was doing some yard work so I got to hold her and talk to her. She's 10 weeks old and pretty darned cute.

I finally folded the basket of laundry I washed last week today and tossed some pajamas that I haven't worn in years. Not giving them drawer room anymore.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Yes, the lady finally came together -- and in a very good way! Glad you stuck with it -- I feel as if I know her. Fingers crossed Covid doesn't interfere with your class at The Clearing.