Tuesday, May 10, 2022


For the third day in a row I saw a Hummingbird at the feeder. And today one female stayed long enough for me to get two pictures, one blurry and one clear. I know that I rhapsodize every year about how small they are, how amazing they are, how excited I am to see one every time, I hope I'm not boring you. But Hummingbirds!

One of my few tulips is blooming. It's the most amazing color--orange and lilac and pink. Part of me wants to pick it to have on the table to look at but then it'd die and I wouldn't have it at all. I'll leave it out in front where I can admire it whenever I want.

And the grape hyacinths are blooming. They have migrated out of the flower bed along the front of the house and have spread into the lawn. They're so tiny but so pretty.

The violets are blooming. I have them all over the lawn. I know they're essentially a weed but they're so sweet with their little white petals with the purple centers. I can't bring myself to spray or spread weed killer on them.

Today's daily art page said to draw what you love about Spring so I drew Spring flowers, a Hummingbird, and a thunderstorm.

Then I plunged into the 10-Step Drawing: People book to draw the first face. I really like the way that complex things are broken down into doable increments so that I have a fighting chance of drawing something halfway decent. This isn't bad, the eye on the left is a little wonky but I can take another stab at it tomorrow. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

I went to the pharmacy this morning for my second booster shot and since it's in the grocery store went shopping afterward. I bought a bunch of fruit, chocolate ice cream, and a family pack of chicken breasts. When I got home I made some teriyaki marinade and fired up the Weber. Now I have a bunch of chicken to have for suppers this week. Oh, I bought a couple bags of chopped broccoli to steam and thawed out a few slices of homemade bread to have with the chicken. Yum.


When I went out to check on the chicken I saw that the ferns are starting to send up fronds in the bed behind the house. Little spears of lily of the valley are peeking out too.

After grilling I felt like I wasn't done drawing so I turned to the next page in 10-Step Drawing: Nature and found pussy willow. It was fun and easy to draw and fun to color. I really like going over my pencil drawing with a fine-liner pen before getting out the colored pencils. Makes it look like a real drawing, I think. OJ and I agreed that our favorite thing to do right now is draw. We're planning to make Peeper comics next time we're together.

I didn't find anything to toss today and I didn't fold the laundry either. I just drew and grilled.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

You did capture the hummingbird so thank you! And it looks like all kinds of things are popping up all over your yard. Maybe winter is really and truly over.