Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Raw Materials & Blooming Lilies

I love to make things--yarn, fabric, wood, flour & sugar, words--I don't care what the raw materials are I can't help making something out of something else. It's a compulsion that I can't resist.

Lala, my roomie last week wore skirts and looked cool and comfortable. I want to be cool too so I thought I'd make myself some. I stopped at JoAnn's on my way home from walking this morning and found these 4 fabrics on the sale tables, one of them (the one in the upper right) is even a border print which makes me strangely excited. The plaid in the lower right is made of squares stitched and serged together that I can't wait to sew up. I'll be taking it and the pattern to work tomorrow. Maybe I'll find the time to pin and cut it out then.

After mowing t
his afternoon I showered and left early for my chiro appointment to get some birdseed. On the way to the clinic I swung into Hancock Fabrics and found some more. These I found on the $1 and $2/yd. table. I'm most excited about the brown cotton gauze with flowers on it or maybe the muted plaid second from the top of the pile.

My lilies are doing their best to impress this year. I took one of the white ones to work with me yesterday and enjoyed its fragrance all

The pink S
targazers are my favorites and their colors are extra vivid this summer.

I was amazed to see the purple mums blooming away behind the lilies.

And Dad's rose has started its second round of blooming.

1 comment:

Cozy in Texas said...

I stopped by your blog today.