Thursday, December 2, 2010


It's amazing what a miracle drug 24 hours is. I took one Aleve at work yesterday and did half an hour of Wii Yoga this morning and feel like a new woman, all supple and flexible, barely achy except for my pesky right knee. Yay, me!

We have a renter!
*pause for frenzied happy-dancing* We have a renter who has paid her first month's rent and security--in cash--even though she isn't moving in until the 15th. She's about my age, single, and her grown son will live with her for a while. She seems very nice, and we couldn't be happier. It's been a long 3 months.

December 1--Caribbean. That day the water off the beach by our little house was Ty-D-Bowl blue and sparkling in the sunlight pouring out of the clear sky. Everyone else was off doing fun stuff or errands leaving me alone to cope with a mountain of laundry, so I decided to do a little dive between loads. Just a short shallow one right off the rocks out front. The gray shape sped past making me stop swimming, my breath caught and my heart started hammering. I watched as it swam out over the deep blue to the edge of visibility and then turned back toward the shallows where i hung motionless, suspended between earth and sky in the clear water. I felt the pressure wave as it swam by me again looking me over with its big dark eye. It was big, longer than I am tall, and so graceful in the water. The dolphin stuck its nose into the sand probing and clicking, and then coming up with a small white fish that it quickly swallowed. I felt the clicks of echolocation as it swam around me once, twice, three times while I hung as still as I could, afraid to move, afraid to chase it away. It played and fed around me in the shallows for nearly half an hour before it swam off into the deep. I told everyone when they got back but on one believed me. I still had to do the wash too. What a day.

We have a renter. We have a renter. Oh, I've got to go on craigslist and and cancel our ads before work. Have a good day. I will.